How long to cook jerky in oven

If you're a fan of homemade style beef jerky, you're in luck! At Moses Family Jerky, we take pride in offering fresh, high-quality jerky that is sure to satisfy your cravings. One question we often receive is, "how long do I cook the jerky in the oven?" Well, we have the answer!

First, it's important to note that the cooking time will depend on the thickness of your jerky strips. Thicker strips will take longer to cook, while thinner strips will cook more quickly.

For thin jerky strips (less than 1/4 inch thick), we recommend cooking them in the oven at 175-200 degrees Fahrenheit for 2-3 hours. Be sure to check on the jerky every 30 minutes or so to ensure that it is cooking evenly and to your desired level of doneness.

For thicker jerky strips (more than 1/4 inch thick), the cooking time will be longer. We recommend cooking them in the oven at 175-200 degrees Fahrenheit for 4-6 hours. Again, be sure to check on the jerky frequently to ensure that it is cooking evenly and to your desired level of doneness.

It's important to remember that jerky is done when it is dry and firm to the touch, but still pliable. If it is too dry or brittle, it may have been overcooked.

If you're looking for high-quality, homemade style beef jerky, look no further than Moses Family Jerky! Our team takes pride in offering fresh, delicious jerky that is sure to satisfy your cravings. For more information and to place an order, visit us at

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