The Art of Cupping: How to Evaluate Coffee Beans Like a Pro

Are you a coffee lover looking to take your appreciation for the perfect cup of joe to the next level? If so, then learning the art of cupping may be just what you need. Cupping is the process of evaluating the quality and flavor of coffee beans, and it's an essential skill for anyone looking to brew the best possible cup of coffee. In this article, we'll provide a beginner's guide to cupping, including tips on how to set up your own cupping station and how to evaluate the flavor and quality of different coffee beans.

What is cupping?

Cupping is a formalized process for evaluating the quality and flavor of coffee beans. It involves brewing a small sample of coffee using a standardized process and then evaluating the resulting brew using a set of standardized criteria. Cupping is an important tool for coffee professionals, including roasters, buyers, and baristas, as it allows them to assess the quality and potential of different coffee beans and determine which ones are worth purchasing or featuring in their coffee menus.

How to set up a cupping station:

  1. Gather your equipment: You'll need a few key items to set up your cupping station, including a scale, a timer, a water kettle, a grinder, a cupping spoon, a cupping form, and coffee beans.

  2. Grind your coffee beans: Use a fine grind setting on your grinder to ensure that the coffee will extract evenly.

  3. Boil your water: Use a water kettle to bring your water to a boil, and then let it cool for a few minutes before brewing your coffee.

  4. Measure and add the coffee: Use your scale to measure out the appropriate amount of coffee beans for your cupping session (around 7-10 grams per serving is a good starting point).

  5. Add the water: Once you've added the coffee beans to your cupping bowl, use a timer to pour in the appropriate amount of water (around 200-250 ml per serving is a good starting point).

  6. Wait and stir: Let the coffee steep for around 4-5 minutes, and then use your cupping spoon to stir it gently.

  7. Evaluate the aroma: Once the coffee has finished steeping, use your cupping spoon to break the crust that has formed on the surface of the coffee. Take a deep sniff of the coffee's aroma, and jot down your observations on your cupping form.

  8. Evaluate the flavor: Take a small sip of the coffee, and pay attention to its flavor profile. Is it sweet, sour, bitter, or neutral? Jot down your observations on your cupping form.

  9. Evaluate the mouthfeel: How does the coffee feel in your mouth? Is it smooth, chalky, or astringent? Jot down your observations on your cupping form.

  10. Rinse and repeat: Repeat the process with different coffee beans to compare and contrast their flavors and qualities.

Tips for successful cupping:

  • Use a consistent process: To get the most accurate results, it's important to use a consistent process when cupping different coffee beans. This means using the same amount of coffee, the same grind setting, the same water temperature, and the same brewing time for all of your samples.

  • Use a clean palette: Be sure to rinse your mouth out with water between samples to clear your palette and get an accurate evaluation of each coffee's flavor.

  • Take detailed notes: Jot


When you get ready for your next bag of coffee keep us in mind at Moses Family Coffee

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